Sugen på platt mage?

Datum: 2010-09-07 Tid: 13:52:14

Inne hos Olga hittade jag länken till denna mycket informativa och pedagogiska video om varför crunches och situps inte kommer ge dig en platt mage eller stärka bålen så att du får bukt med din onda rygg eftersom den djupa muskulaturen måste kopplas in och tränas för det.

I videon visar de hur de olika lagerna av muskler fungerar och de poängterar hur viktigt det är att suga in naveln för att aktivera den djupa magmuskulaturen både när man tränar och inte tränar.

Kolla in viden och läs nedan text som kommer från samma sida.

Understanding your stomach corset
Your stomach muscles are like an old fashioned corset, with three different layers of muscles lacing in different direction. Covering these layers is a layer of abdominal fat. When most of us look down the first thing we see is the creamy layer of fat on top. Women have a genetic predisposition to storing fat in this area. However, the problem with a spreading tummy is not just the fat, it is also because the elastic in our muscular corset is letting go as a result of incorrect exercises and poor posture. As a result the whole thing spreads! If you want to flatten your tummy, you need a three pronged attack. First, work on the reducing the creamy layer with a combination of diet and aerobic exercise. Secondly tighten the corset and get the elastic going with some a combination of the right exercises, finally work on your everday posture.

Different layers do different things

  • The outside layer of the stomach is your sit-up muscle. It runs straight down the front of your tummy from the bottom of your breastbone to your pubic bone. Doing lots of sit ups may make your stomach harder but don't necessarily flatten the stomach wall. In fact too many sit ups without activating your deeper stomach layers may result in your stomach actually bulging instead of getting flatter.
  • The middle layer is made up of the oblique muscles, which run diagonally at the front and sides of your tummy. They will help strength the front of the stomach wall but if activated without your deeper layer won't change the circumference of your tummy or make it flatter.
  • The deepest layer has had a lot of press over the last few years after University of QLD research found it has a dramatic role in relieving low back pain. It is called the transverses abdominus and runs horizontally around your waist. When it contracts it actually makes your stomach corset tighten, a bit like pulling in the laces.
  • In a perfect world, this muscle should turn on a few milliseconds before the other layers so that the stomach flattens and hardens as you work the whole wall. Unfortunately, years of bad posture and back pain have often made this muscle a little slow to respond, so instead of the stomach wall going flat and hard as you do a sit up or Pilates exercise, it bulges. This is why people often get really disappointed that they are doing lots of stomach exercises but they don't see their stomach getting any flatter.

Tips for a flatter tummy
1. Burn off the creamy layer
You really need a combination of diet and exercise to work on getting rid of this fat storage.

2. Zip up your hipsters!
When doing any stomach exercises first take a breath in then slowly breathe out. As you do this imagine you are wearing a pair of hipster jeans (I know no chance!!!) and zip up your imaginary zipper from your pubic bone to the top of the jeans. This will switch on your deep corset which will flatten the stomach wall as you strengthen the outer layers. Keep that zipper up as you do your other exercises and don't forget to keep breathing!

3. Boobs off Belly
Every time you slump down with your boobs on your belly, that deep layer of stomach muscle crashes and your tummy corset elastic spreads. You can be exercising at the gym or in classes a few times a week, but if the rest of your day is spent slumped, that corset will never get any stronger and your stomach will never get flatter.

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Kategori: Träning och kost


nice blog

Skrivet: 2010-09-09 kl. 11:20:30

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